Monday, January 19, 2009

Marshmallow BINGO

The boys and I have been playing marshmallow BINGO and it has been a really neat way for them to learn their ABC's. Everyday the boys ask me "what are we going to do today mom?" So I am trying to come up with ways to teach my sweet boys and for it to be fun. Tim and I are big on learning is a way of life and we want our boys to love learning.


what a great homeschooler you are! What a wonderful idea Nicole! A great mom!!

check out my profile and find the classical edmond blog - or something like that. i don't know - i just post to it sometimes, but jermaine did most of it. it has ideas, videos, etc...

do they get to eat the marshmallows too? This is a cool idea! They could do it with numbers too. If my kids got to eat the marshmallows, they might just play along. :) Did you find this somewhere online? Is there any trick to making this game?

Thhey get t eat it after. I found it in Family Fun.

where do you get these ideas from? they are really cute

Food always makes learning more interesting! Great idea!

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