Thursday, May 1, 2008

Big night for ME!

Last night at SWITCH during worship I just started to cry. When I say I started to cry I mean I could not stop! The Lord just put it on my heart that what we are doing is BIG. As many of you know our youth group has grown a lot in the past month and most Wednesday nights we are running around just trying to make sure no one gets hurt and everyone is where they need to be.

Well there was this boy standing by him self and it hit me, I know nothing about this teenage boy and I need to. Then I looked at this girl standing by her self, I know nothing about her too. (What are they thinking? Do they even know who Jesus is? Are there parents still together? Do they have any friends? How was there day at school?) So yeah, our youth group is really big but I want to know how each teenager is doing!!!! It was a big night for me. I just pray I didn't miss a chance to show someone love.


So did you go talk to them?

Well, when you said hi to me, it turned my night around. I was mad my friends bailed and went to another church, I was frustrated with lifegroup and then the moment you smiled at me, it turned my night around. :)

I did go talk to them! It was great! I just want to talk to everyone=)

That is so awesome! It is a blessing that these kids have talkative, charming, sweet Nicole around!

I love your heart!!! I love teenagers! What a difficult time teenage years are too! me and another leader have a high school girls life group if you ever need a place to filter freshmen thru senior girls....

You're doing great, Nicole! You do show your love by protecting them, and making sure everything goes as planned. I know how you feel. But, God is using you in ways you may not see... and may never see. Keep doing what you're doing.

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