I love when people email me asking what we do for homeschooling. At the same time it's hard for me to answer sometimes. We truly believe every family is different and every family is going to educate their children different. We desire for our children to have a love for learning. So we do "school" all the time. We believe that life is learning too.
The other day we had the privilege of going into the Oklahoma Governor's Manson. It was so neat the conversations we had with the kids during and after. (and yes my forth child, baby Judah, is in a pink stroller ha)
We read all the time!!! We love "living books."
The kids love going to the Zoo and building dams in the children's zoo.
We take lots of nature walks and talk about all the amazing things God has made.
My sweet friend Deleise sent this post to me from FIAR and I thought it was amazing! It is so freeing to know that we will have different seasons in our life and the Lord will show us what that looks like.
Have you found the Lord's rhythm for your homeschool this year?
"Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Mt. 11:28-30 (The Message)
Finding the right rhythm for your homeschool is different each year. Your children are all a year older this year. Maybe you've added a new baby since last year, or maybe you're pregnant this year. Maybe your mother-in-law lives with you now. Maybe your oldest (and best helper!) has graduated and gone away to college this year. Maybe your husband is home more because of work hours being cut back during the recession. Or maybe he's home less this year because he's working a 2nd part-time job. Each year is different. Each family is unique.
As you discover the Lord's "unforced rhythms of grace" you'll find that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Being out of rhythm in your homeschool is like trying to push a chain up hill.
• When do you begin your day?
• Which days do you homeschool?
• How often do you take breaks during the day?
• How long do you spend with each child today?
• When do you take a day off to recharge?
• When do you begin this school year?
• When do you wrap up this school year?
• How long do you spend on phonics each day?
• How long do you spend on fractions each day?
• Which child needs the most attention this year?
The list of choices is endless and your options vary from year to year, from season to season.
One size does NOT fit all!
One size fits NO ONE!!
• It doesn't matter what your co-op leader is doing this year.
• It doesn't matter how your sister-in-law does it.
• It doesn't matter when the public schools do it.
• It doesn't matter how you did it when you were in school.
• It doesn't matter how you did it last year.
• It doesn't matter how you did it when your oldest was age 8.
• It doesn't matter...
What matter is finding HIS rhythm and stepping into HIS grace for this unique season of your life.
If you're already "pushing a chain uphill" on most days take time to ASK HIM about what HE wants you to do this year- and HOW He wants you to do it.
You just might be surprised at His answers.
Have you found the Lord's rhythm for your homeschool this year?
"Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Mt. 11:28-30 (The Message)
Finding the right rhythm for your homeschool is different each year. Your children are all a year older this year. Maybe you've added a new baby since last year, or maybe you're pregnant this year. Maybe your mother-in-law lives with you now. Maybe your oldest (and best helper!) has graduated and gone away to college this year. Maybe your husband is home more because of work hours being cut back during the recession. Or maybe he's home less this year because he's working a 2nd part-time job. Each year is different. Each family is unique.
As you discover the Lord's "unforced rhythms of grace" you'll find that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Being out of rhythm in your homeschool is like trying to push a chain up hill.
• When do you begin your day?
• Which days do you homeschool?
• How often do you take breaks during the day?
• How long do you spend with each child today?
• When do you take a day off to recharge?
• When do you begin this school year?
• When do you wrap up this school year?
• How long do you spend on phonics each day?
• How long do you spend on fractions each day?
• Which child needs the most attention this year?
The list of choices is endless and your options vary from year to year, from season to season.
One size does NOT fit all!
One size fits NO ONE!!
• It doesn't matter what your co-op leader is doing this year.
• It doesn't matter how your sister-in-law does it.
• It doesn't matter when the public schools do it.
• It doesn't matter how you did it when you were in school.
• It doesn't matter how you did it last year.
• It doesn't matter how you did it when your oldest was age 8.
• It doesn't matter...
What matter is finding HIS rhythm and stepping into HIS grace for this unique season of your life.
If you're already "pushing a chain uphill" on most days take time to ASK HIM about what HE wants you to do this year- and HOW He wants you to do it.
You just might be surprised at His answers.