Monday, February 11, 2013

Knox Family is Growing!

We are happy to announce that Baby Knox will be joining our family August 2013! I thought I would answer some questions that I often get asked. 1. How many kids will this be for you? 5 2. Do you know what causes that? Yes! Why do you think we have such an awesome marriage =) 3. Do you want a boy or a girl? We really dont care. If we have a boy Judah has a buddy...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I Love You Mommy

My son Micah made this video for me while I was gone. It is so sweet and funny. I'm one blessed mommy. ...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Knox Family 2012


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Falling When Skating Hurts

As a parent of 4 kids I am constantly trying to help my kids become who God has created them to be.  What I realized recently is that there are times that I limit them more than I help them.  We had the chance to go to a wedding out of town and we arrived early and were looking for something to do.  In our search for entertainment we found a roller...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Update on the Knox Family

Wow! It's been a long time since I have wrote or even looked at our family blog. Thought I would write a little about what the Knox family has been up to. Winter/Spring 2012- We moved into our sweet friends large home on 5 acres and had the privilege of living there. Tim worked on the land and house to get it ready to sell. Our family learned so many things. We also found...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Judah's 1st Birthday

Today we celebrated baby Judah's 1st ever birthday. We had so much fun and are grateful for his life. We never imagined that we would learn so much and our family would be strengthened by Judah's life. He is a true blessing to everyo...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nathan is 7

Sweet Nathan turned 7! He had his whole day planned out what he wanted to do for his birthday. We woke up and opened presents. Went to McDonald's for breakfast. Stopped by Target to buy his new scooter from his grandparents. Went to a movie at the movie theater and had Chili's for lunch. He ended the day at church with his small group. It was such a neat day. Nathan is a huge...

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